Monday, November 17, 2008
A Strange Weather Day
Friday, November 14, 2008
Stay at Home Challenge
Rusted Hearts Still Hold Love Debbie Krueger
I didn't mention, in my post on Nov 4th that shows some of these quilt, that not only did I send out pieces of Rust-Tex fabric to use in making these quilts, but that I would also make a donation to AAQI for each quilt finished by a certain day. The Stay at Home Challenge group completed 22 by the deadline. As the email I sent each person who asked for rust dyed fabric said, "Together, we can make a lot of money for Alzheimer's research."
And I was right!!!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Indoor Studio: Success

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Escape Plan Foiled

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
A True Story for Election Day

What are the names of your children? Dad got 4 out of 5.
Who's the President? They each independently answered this question exactly the same way: "We don't know, but we don't like him."

Monday, November 03, 2008
PAQA Vidcast

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Keekum, Are You Planing To Escape?

Saturday, November 01, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Just in Time for Halloween

It was really his idea and the past two years he made them mostly by himself. This year I shaped all of them. He put the "knuckle" marks and the fingernail on them.

You can find many recipes with lots of variations on the web. Just use "finger cookies" for your search argument. Our personal variation is to put a bread sitck in the cookie. We make the bread stick almost as long as the cookie and leave it hanging out the end like a broken bone. The change in texture from sugar cookie to bread stick adds a terrifying dimension to eating one of our cookies. That texture change makes you think of brittle bones.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Just in Time!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Bad News/Good News

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Naked Dancing Woman
Here, in WI, the season is drawing to a close...sigh...I am planning to pack up the rest of the Rust-Tex dye studio this week-end. The good news is I am thinking of setting up a Rust-Tex dye studio in a corner of the basement so I can rust dye fabric in the winter. It won't be as much fun as rust dyeing outside on the deck. I won't be able to "be as messy as I want to be". I will have to be careful not to get water on the floor and flakes of rust all over the place.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Still Another Question

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Prairie Treasures Quilt Show
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Another Question

Tannin is used in natural dyeing as a premordant so I am surprised that it is washing out. Rust dyeing is sensitive to ph levels. If you are soaking it in soda ash in preparation for procion dyeing that might be what is causing it to "soften around the edges."
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
More Crystals

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Blue and Gold

Monday, September 01, 2008
Labor Day Already?

Friday, August 29, 2008
Polyester Double Knit Re-Purposed

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Strange Bottle Results

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Who is using the Rust-Tex Studio...

I will post a picture of the finished piece as soon as I can.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hanging-out with Friends

Yuck!!! What were they thinking!!!
The picture of the day is what I wore to our eldest daughter's wedding. Many of my friends left comments on the Pirate and the Princess post, requesting to see what I wore. I call it my Rust-Tex Floater and wear it on special occassions.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
The Pirate and the Princess

The cake was in the shape of a castle decorated with trailing vines and a meander quilting pattern in the icing.
Yes it is leaning. It was in the upper 80'sF that day and the poor cake had spent an hour being transported by car to the site of the wedding.
Our youngest daughter made these truly unique "cake toppers".
This picture shows how a pirate cuts a wedding cake.
This one shows how a well bred princess cuts a cake.And this one show how working together a wedding cake can be properly cut by a pirate and a princess.
I baked the cake on what turned out to be the hottest day of summer so far. But my sister-in-law the professional cake decorator, is the real hero in this story. She drove from Waukegan, IL to Madison, WI after she got off work on Friday night to decorate the cake. She arrived in Madison about 7:15 and the cake was done about 12:30.
During transport one of the turrets fell off before the cake was one block from the house. SIL has done enough wedding cakes that she knew to bring along a repair kit. I have no idea what all is in a cake repair kit, but my SIL knew and she had it with her so the cake looked fabulous all day. When I went to take one more picture before we cut it one of the turrets fell off. I took that as a sign that it was definitely time to cut the cake.
Thank you Carol!!!
It was an amazing cake!!!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Another Question about Rust Dyeing

Using plastic bags just sends more things to the landfill so I try not to use them. Wrapping your rust dyed piece tightly with plastic will restrict the oxygen available. I had an interesting talk with a chemist at Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Show. He said iron oxide formed with less air is black, iron oxide formed with a lot of air is reddish. This might open up a whole world of experimentation for someone.
Would that be you?