I found this in my inbox today. It is from Jake Finch, who is the editor of Quilter's Home Magazine. What she said is below this really cute vinyl apron, which is one of the things you can download from their website!
"Dear Quilt Friends, Non-Quilt Friends Who Like Me and Family:
I have a favor to ask.
If you are on FaceBook, would you consider going to this link (cut and paste into your browser as I couldn't figure out how to link--sad of me...) and clicking that you "like" Quilter's Home Magazine?
(Jake, they can just click on the link it will take them to your Face Book fan page) As most of you know, Quilter's Home is the magazine for which I serve as editor. My co-editor and I are trying to increase our "friends" and this would help tremendously. If you don't want to, no worries. I'm not keeping track of who I asked, I won't bug you about it again and I'll still love you. But for my quilt-buds out there, we use our FB page to announce new things, ask silly and serious questions, find sources for articles and just generally engage with our readers. For the rest of you who already think my brain is full of thread and want nothing to do with quilts, just ignore us. :-)
So, please consider "liking" us if you would? Also, if you have friends or family who might enjoy participating, feel free to pass this on to them as well. The more, the merrier!
Many quilted hugs,
Jake Finch
Quilter's Home Magazine"
She sounds kind of desperate. I think we all should to it.
I am already a fan. You should be one too.