Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

This is my Holiday Card for all my followers. I hope it is your BEST Christmas EVER and have blessed New Year!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Queen's Birthday

I throw myself a birthday party as close to my birthday as I can get. Have a birthday in December, I have to plan carefully. It is tricky!!! The cookie is written that way because I am the Queen of the UFO Club. If you don't know what a UFO is it is an Un-Finished Object.

Now days we call them PHD, Projects Half Done. If you say you are working on your PHD in quilting people are REALLY impressed!!!

I have two friends attend my party. A third one showed up after she gain honor to her Queen by winning a ribbon for Me with her dogs

Monday, December 05, 2011

Squirrel and Tree with Fangs

This squirrel was eating our pumpkin on November 18, 2011. My DH put glow in the dark fangs on the tree for Halloween. We took this picture on November 26 because the rain made an interesting pattern on it.

We had Our first snow today!!!