Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It really was "Too Windy to Work" today but I had to rinse out the bottle wraps I had made as one of the presenters of Dye Days at International Quilt Festival in Chicago. I had five bottle wraps and five image transfer stars from that event. I also needed to rinse out a bottle wrap and a stormy skies fabric from the rust dye class. The bottle wraps were getting very dark, so there was no putting it off until tomorrow.
Even thought it was 60F the wind was blowing constantly. The wind chill factor dictated how I dressed. I had brown cotton work gloves on inside my rubber gloves and I wore my stocking hat.
(The neighbors already think I am nuts. As long as they keep leaving me rusty bits I don't care what they think)
My eldest daughter helped me move some pieces of the Rust-Tex dye studio from winter storage (the garage) to the studio (the deck). The sink is not hooked up yet so I had to lug water in buckets. But it was worth it. As you can see from the results hanging in the picture below.
Close ups coming tomorrow!!!

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