Saturday, March 08, 2008

A Neat Trick to Finish UFOs

I will admit, I am the Queen of UFOs. Every year in January I inventory and I decide which ones in the pile have a future and which ones will get disassembled, which means the papers get filed, the fabric goes back on the shelves, the blocks, if they are not so ugly that I actually throw them away, become pincushions. During this year's inventory I came across two I had no desire to ever finish.
I used to teach a class where we sewed strata, cross-cut it and exchanged those pieces. Each student finished their own quilt. I already completed two bed size quilts from these exchanges and I really didn't want to make another one. I also came across some batik fabric from a friend of mine. One day when she was getting rid of a lot of stuff, she gave me three cartons full of fabric to give to the art teacher at the local elementary school after I went through it. I took out all the gorgeous batik fabric I could find. When I looked it over carefully, I figured out what it was meant to be. I thought I would use the fabric for something else because I am soooooooo not interested in making another Delectable Mountain quilt. Because the fabric is still sitting here 2 years later, I passed both these projects onto a member of my UFO Club who we refer to as "Speed Queen". And here are pictures of both finished projects which will go to Project Linus.
My neat trick for finishing UFO's is to give them to someone who makes quilts for Project Linus and sews really fast!!!
Try it, you'll like it.


Ahipara Girl said...

Hello there. Thank you for the wonderful visual journey I had today. I enjoyed viewing your work, and felt the pleasure you receive through rusting fabric. I am just starting out, but I can't wait to get stuck in some more. I noticed you do silk and wondered if you had done any wool and cotton fabrics. Anyway, thanks again, I put your link on post today for all the dyers that pass through my way. I hope they find you too.

Lois Jarvis said...

Thanks for putting a link to my blog on your blog.
I have rust dyed cotton but never wool. I just haven't gotten around to wool yet. Rust also dyes polyester, rayon, and even plastic.