Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring is in the Air

Here is how the Rust-Tex studio looked today when the temperature reached 54 degrees F, which only lasted for a short while. Please compare it to the picture I posted of the studio on Feb 18. On one of the dye groups I am in, there was a lot of talk of ice dyeing back in Jan. But it was too cold for me too even think about doing that it in Jan or Feb. I guess I am just a fair weather dyer.
But the mild temperature this morning inspired me to rolled up three muffin cups (the rest of the muffin tin rusted away last summer) with some sidewalk salt in a fat eight of fabric and stick it in the studio snow pile. I know this process really needs heat, so I thought it might take a week. But when I checked just before dinner I could see some rust coloring on the fabric.

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