Sunday, August 06, 2006

Web Building

While I was busy building the Rust-Tex web site, I was not using the Rust-Tex dye studio very much. A spider took advantage of my absence to build his own web. One that went from the picnic table to the deck!!!
I guess I am just not spending enough time in the studio. First it was mice, now it is spiders and all the time it is mosquitoes and squirrels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world! Live in the country and this is what happens. Be happy you don't have my main pest . . .snakes! Just before we left for SC your CD came. I stuck it in the computer bag and took it with me. I set off a bug bomb in every room at the house to try to catch up with our native Florida pests. I relaxed while in SC reviewing your new CD which is wonderful, concise and clear. Can't wait to get home and start playing with hubby's nuts and bolts and lots of other junk that has accumulated for 40+ yrs.